Who we are? Read our Story

  • maah
  • maah
Welcome to the MAAH Fondation du Village Africain (African Village Foundation)

Mission The MAAH mission is to promote African culture and African-style solidarity within Montreal, all over Québec and across Canada. Vision The MAAH projects to grow into a Centre offering: Social Service African Theatre of Verdun African Museum of Montreal (MAM) Strategic Goals The success of the Montreal MAAH is based on: A program depicting the myths and history of African nations. Activities supporting the well-being and adjustment abilities of all Québec new comers namely, MAAH members. Providing customized organizational support to small businesses, created by African-born entrepreneurs. Developing information systems on African culture. Organizational structure The MAAH Fondation du Village Africain is administered by a Board of Directors counting seven members: A President, Executive Assistant, First Vice-President; Second Vice-President; Secretary; Treasurer; Director.

The bet for culture in African-style: show videos